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Gilberto Caicedo (Sp) 

Professional experience: 25 years

Corporate consultant with over 25 years of experience. Analyst and columnist for Portafolio (Colombia’s most important economic and business newspaper). He collaborates in Centro de Estudios Colombianos, a Colombian think tank (1959). He is professional and expert in international trade and commerce with studies in senior management He has another degree in corporate finance. 

He has been a projects representative of Accumyn Consulting LLC. (Houston-Tx) and currently, he provides financial assistance in disputes to the firm Caicedo Asociados (Col) and HHC. He is conference speaker and advisor in management, leadership, labor capabilities, industry analysis, finance and banking, valuations and leadership.  
He served successfully as trust funds national director of Icetex —Colombia’s largest financial institution providing student loans—, and as international business manager and national operations manager of Banco Union —now absorbed by Banco de Occidente— and he worked there since 1993 to 2013. He collaborated for several years as an expert member of the international committee of Asobancaria (Colombian Bankers’ Association). 

Experience with companies and entities such as:

Banco Tequendama Curacao, Banco Unión Colombiano (absorbed by Banco de Occidente) Icetex, Caicedo Asociados C&A, HHC. He collaborated as a member of the international committee of the Asobancaria. Linked to government projects with the Ministries of National Education, Finance and Public Credit, Interior and Justice, Telecommunications, Energy and Mines; and institutions like Colciencias, Aerocivil and Sena. He also participated in high-level negotiations with indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. 

Responsible for the financial structuring in investment projects in Cartagena, business valuation, IPS in Córdoba  y Educational group in Cajicá. Leader and responsible for the financial structuring and financial and operative rulings in arbitration and judicial disputes in multiple cases with Caicedo Asociados C&A since 2008. Budget modeling for TCCC (Tejano Center for Community Concerns).

Expertise and capabilities:

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